Early History of Buddhism in Qld
The section on the history of Buddhism in Queensland is a little thin particularly on the 1970's and 80's. There was a lot of Dhamma seeds being sown. I would like to start a blog to help gather information about what was happening then. I invite anyone who has information to contribute. Here's a start.
Ven Khanti Palo was very active. He was the face of the Buddhist Sangha in this state (and many others) during the 70's and his role needs to be acknowledged. I attended a talk he gave as part of a course on Comparative Religions I did in 1975 at University of Queensland. He introduced me to Buddha Dhamma and first got me thinking about it. It was a sentinel moment in my life. Khanti Palo travelled the length of Qld teaching. He had a big following in the Cairns area. He donated his extensive Buddhist library to the NQ Buddhist Association.
Ilse Lederman (later Ayya Khema) was instrumental in establishing Chenrezig. I think she donated the land it stands on. She also purchased Ten Mile Hollow at Wiseman's Ferry under Trust. This became Wat Buddha Dhamma, the first Theravada forest monastery in Australia.
Klaas De Jong made his home at Darra available as a Buddhist meeting place during the 70's. He called it Dhammadhina House. He had a Bodhi tree planted in the back yard.
Sarath Chandra established the Queensland Sangha Trust in 1982 with the aim of establishing the first Theravada monastery in Queensland which I think he eventually acheved.