Overcoming Problems Course - 2018 Townsville Enrollment now open!
Overcome Stress, Anxiety, Anger, Transform Adversity
Relevant - Practical - Life Changing
Course Starts: Wednesday 22nd August 2018 at 6:50pm
Late enrollments close 19th September 2018
Level 1, 145 Stanley Street, Townsville City
Ph: 0423 075 575
Overcoming Problems was formally recognised in 2008 as a new form of Buddhism for Westerners to overcome problems.
The course founder, Gen Chris Yangchen, is a Tibetan Buddhist nun and has been teaching for 26 years.
These innovative classes:
Have an openness that allows you to explore for yourself
Take a holistic approach to overcoming stress & negative habits
Include meditation and mindfulness
are multidimensional and down to earth
are remarkably insightful and resonate on a personal level
improve relationships with others
are user friendly for those who want to change
demystify mind, western culture and conditioning
are taught with humour, understanding and compassion
Patron: H.H. Khalkha Rinpoche, Head of the Jonang Tradition & Buddhism in Mongolia
Spiritual Director: His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche
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