admin's blog
Become a Novice Monk in Brisbane
Would you like to be a Buddhist Monk ?
The Thai Monks at " Brisbane Meditation center " in Wooloowin are offering free food, accommodation with an ordination course in December to become a novice monk.
40 days staying at the center, obeying the 8 precepts, learning how to live as a Monk.
If interested, contact the center.
You will have to shave your head. Only serious applicants apply as there is limited space available.
Venchai is the teaching Monk
contact 0480 157 389
2017 Annual General Meeting - Sun 26 November - HELP US PLEASE!
Please note that the 2017 Annual General Meeting is to be held in the Meeting Room of the Brisbane City Council Library, at 135 Sydney Street, New Farm, commencing at 2pm.
This is a VERY important meeting which will determine the future of and direction that this Council will take from this meeting forward.
Buddhist Exhibition In Brisbane - Jan to March 2014
Please see the attached document for details on an exhibition at the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital at Herston.
Ajahn Brahm in Brisbane June 25th, 2013
This is a Free Event brought to you by
The Buddhist Council of Queensland &The Multi Faith Centre
proudly presenting
An Evening With Ajahn Brahm
Ajahn Brahm came from a working class background,
he won a scholarship to study Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University. He was
ordained as a Monk in Thailand at the age of 23.
Date: Tues 25th June 2013
Time: 7.30pm start-9pm Finish
Venue: Multi faith Centre
Griffith University 176 Messines Ridge Road, Mt Gravatt.
Limited seating bookings recommended
Free Parking after 7pm
Buddhist offerings in Hospital Chaplaincy - Talk 1 March 2013
By Professor of Buddhist Philosophy Dr Khenpo Ngawang Jorden.
Multi-Faith Centre (N35)
1.05, Nathan Campus
Griffith University
170 Kessels Rd,
Nathan, Brisbane
Inquiries: 07 3735 7052
Friday 1 March 2013, 7pm to 9pm
For further information, please download the brochure here............thank you.
Reflecting on the Queensland Floods
Proving the Buddha's Four Noble Truths is always an easy task, but has recently been abundantly evident with the First Truth's principal that Life is Suffering, demonstrated through the devastating floods that have fallen on Queenslanders.
Whether it is in the deaths of those lost, the frantic concern for those still missing, or the loss of some, or all, of one's personal possessions, homes, livelihood, friends, loved ones and neighbours. Even more so is the unfathomable loss of other sentient life - livestock, pets, animals, pets, and so many more.
Ajahn Brahm - Public Talk - September 22 - Thank You
Around 200 people joined Ven. Ajahn Brahm, returning to deliver yet another profound talk on "Putting Meaning Into Life".
On Wednesday September 22 at the Griffith University's Multi-Faith Centre, Nathan Campus we all received a profound talk and shared in an active question and answer session that lasted more than one-hour.
If you would to listen to this talk, you can download the MP3 file from this site, but please note that the 2hr 19min recording is 25Mb in size. The download link can be accessed from our "Links" tab above.
BCQ 2010 AGM on June 19 at Karuna
Please be advised that the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Buddhist Council of Queensland Inc. was held at the premises of Karuna Hospice Services, 27 Cartwright Street, Windsor and we thank Karuna for the generous support to Council activities.
We also thank those who supported the meeting either directly or by providing proxies.
Details of the new committee for the remainder of 2010 and 2011 can be found on our home page and the Council looks forward to yet another productive and exciting year to come.
Welcome all
Thank you for coming to our new website.
If you are a buddhist centre and have registered with this site, you are invited to record a blog that will be made available for all to see , simply by following the simple and easy steps.
You can use this service to post news of upcoming events at your centre, or make announcements of events that are dharma-related and of interest and benefit to all our community.